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Youth Classes


 Ages 5-8

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
5:30pm – 6:00pm

Though the full complexity and strategy of Brazilian jiu-jitsu will come with time and maturity, we find that the best place to start is with what young children already love: horseplay! While being given fundamental movements and techniques, our youngest students are given plenty of time to explore the fun of grappling with their classmates . . . For real! This allows them to experience a lot of trial-and-error — exactly how young minds are made to learn.

Though attentiveness and cooperation appropriate to their age is important, we keep the tone of this class light, encouraging participation and effort over immediate performance. Our goal is to see these kids build confidence in their abilities over the long-haul!

Though 9 is an approximate age cap for this class, your child may move to the next age group slightly sooner or later, depending on their size, goals, and personality.

Ages 9-13

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
6:00pm – 6:45pm

Students in this class are old enough for more complex and intricate technique, often learning the same materials as the adults! In addition to building their coordination with falling, rolling, and body movement skills, they will learn how to think strategically and focus on fine details.

Often, these youth students become interested in testing themselves in competition against others their age. These kids will begin forming their own goals and perspective on their training, and will be encouraged to explore whatever they feel motivates them, and makes their jiu-jitsu uniquely their own.

We move quickly through the instruction, breaking down each move into digestible parts to allow even the newest on the mat to quickly grasp the material. Drills are provided to allow the students to experience gradual and progressive levels of difficulty, from the very first day, all the way to an expert level.